A Tree for All Seasons

December 17, 2008 at 10:45 pm | Posted in Melissa | 1 Comment

img_1945Each year, we take our tree out of a box, string up the lights, and decorate.  I know that sounds so boring compared to going out to the woods, or a tree farm, and picking a fresh pine.  After soaking in the wonderful tree smell, we would let it settle in the house overnight- before trimming the top- so that it wouldn’t scrape the ceiling of our the living room.  Then there is the custom of putting the side of the tree which is slightly bare of branches, facing a wall, so that the neighbors don’t see that the tree isn’t absolutely perfect. 

Yes, these are the things I experienced as a child, when my parents put up our Christmas tree.  It wasn’t until years later that I was diagnosed with asthma, broke a vacuum from cleaning up pine needles, and realized that sometimes it is easier not to have to remember to put water in the tree stand.  I often wonder if my children will think it is natural that a Christmas tree comes out of a box- that is stored in the garage- on Thanksgiving weekend.  Maybe one day, we will go on a Christmas-tree-finding-expedition, in the woods, to find that perfect Douglas Fir.  But for now, the boxed one works just fine for me.

I love Christmas, always have.  My favorite children’s book is, The Polar Express- I find so much magic in the theory that only those who truly believe can hear the ringing of Santa’s sleigh bell.  I believe in the magic of Christmas, and each year, I find myself looking forward to the season like a little kid.  I will admit, I can do without the shopping.  I’ve never been much for indulgence and I would rather just have my family all together, and healthy, than receiving mass amounts of presents.  But, I am a mom, and it is part of my job to make the Christmas season magical for my children.  And magic for a child, usually involves wrapped presents, underneath a Christmas tree.  They, of course, have been counting the days until Christmas Eve for the past two months.  They take their presents out from under the tree each morning and stack them up into individual piles, before asking me if they can open one- “just one Mom…please?”  It is a game of ours, they ask and I say no.

Our tree is like an Ode to Christmas’ past.  For as long as I can remember, I have been receiving a new ornament each Christmas, to hang on our tree.  I continued this tradition with my own family, when Chris and I were married.  In fact, our first ornament together was of a bride and groom- so typical, I know.  Each year on the Feast of Saint Nicholas, our children receive a brand new ornament, that they can display on the tree and then save for when they are adults and have a tree of their own.  Sure, we have our fair share of Elmo ornaments, and Star Wars characters, and Dora the Explorer; but we also have sentimental ones that I cherish each time I take them out of the box.  Like, the glass pink baby bootie in honor of our child, Kaileen, who is in heaven; and our musical Leprechaun ornament that sings, “When Irish Eyes are Smiling.”  Those ornaments are there to remind us of the good and bad times, as well as, the people who were there with us along the journey.

Yes, I believe that Christmas is magical.  Like my children, Madison, Peyton and Allison, I look forward to its arrival.  I am hopeful that the coming year will bring health, happiness, and wonderful surprises to us all.  I look forward to Chris coming home, so that we are able to decorate that lovely artificial tree, which is currently slightly crooked, with him next Christmas.  I write this with the hope that the coming year will bring peace to each of us.

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  1. I just read this and want you to know I am jealous of your boxed tree…I hate pine needles!

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